Total Comfort Blog

New Electric Panel

If you need a new electrical panel and want the latest and greatest with some extra space, Total Comfort suggests the Cutler Hammer 60 Circuit Panel by Eaton. The below pictures show one of our recent installations complete with a flush mounted surge protector and an...

Garbage Disposals

Garbage disposers, and the drain lines to which they’re connected, are not intended for use in disposing of fat, grease, meat bones, and extremely fibrous materials like cornhusk silks and artichokes. These items have a tendency to plug up the drain line...

HVAC Service Technicians

Looking for experienced HVAC Service Technicians for the servicing and maintenance of Residential and Commercial HVAC equipment. All candidates must have at least 4 years experience as a service technician in HVAC industry. Must have knowledge of wiring diagrams and...

Electricians Wanted

Electricians Wanted

Looking for experienced Journeyman Electricians for electrical service work and the the installation of Residential and Commercial electrical wiring and systems. All candidates must have at lease 4 years experience in the trade. Must have knowledge of wiring diagrams...
